Want to make a big impact on cat rescue, AND get tees all year? Now you can! Join our AdvoCAT Club and get exclusive, artist-designed shirt four times a year ... and your monthly membership provides TEN pounds of food for rescue shelters (double the sponsorship of getting just one shirt from our store!). That's 24 cats per year who are getting the food they need ... and time to find their "forever home"!
Not only that, but your AdvoCAT membership gives you 40% OFF any shirt in our store. So if you've got your eye on a design you love, joining today will not only save lives year-round, but you'll save on your favorite tee designs.
Discover what it's about by clicking here:
Discover the AdvoCat ClubLast year over 1,400,000 cats were euthanized because shelters were under-resourced. Underfunded shelters can't house, feed and place them in loving homes. In fact, shelters put about 70% of cats to sleep.
We've partnered with Greater Good Charities, a 501(c)(3) charity, to help shelters get the resources they need to save needy animals.See us on their partner page here.
Our goal is to reduce the number of euthanized cats - one day at a time, and one cat at a time.